Texas A&M University

Texas A&M Gmail

Texas A&M Gmail is the official email for all Texas A&M University students. University members can request an account to collaborate with students. Staff eligibility is determined at the department level.

Support Links

  • Activating your TAMU Gmail account
  • Setting up Texas A&M Gmail on mobile devices
  • Set up Texas A&M Gmail in Office 365 Outlook
  • Adding an Additional Sending Address in TAMU Gmail
  • Forwarding TAMU Gmail to Another Email Account
  • Google's Gmail Help Center
  • Texas A&M Chat

    You can use Texas A&M Chat to send a direct message or create a group chat. Chat includes advanced features such as video calling, notification tools, message formatting and threaded spaces. Chats are synced automatically across devices, so you can start a message in Chat on your computer and continue on another device, like your phone.

    Support Links

    • Google Chat Help Center
    • Texas A&M Calendar

      Google Calendar is a time-management web application that allows university members to view and organize your schedule across multiple devices, keep track of your important meetings and events, share your calendar with others and much more.

      Support Links

      Texas A&M My Drive / Shared Drive

      Google My Drive is a storage service that lets individuals securely store, access and share personal files. All files are deleted when you leave the university, including files that you've shared with others.

      Google Shared Drive files belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if members leave, the files stay in the Shared Drive so your team can keep sharing information and work anywhere, from any device. Texas A&M Shared Drives have a 25GB storage limit.

      Drive Storage is Changing

      Beginning May 2024, storage limits will be applied to all Google Apps, including My Drive and Shared Drive.

      Learn More

      Support Links

      • Google My Drive vs. Shared Drives
      • Google Shared Drive - Overview
      • Using Google Shared Drive with TAMUDirect
      • Transferring Ownership of Files in Google Drive
      • Texas A&M Groups

        Texas A&M Groups gives easy access to online discussions through mailing lists or online forms. It is great for use by project teams or groups of student organizations. A group is an online environment where group members can discuss items related to a specific subject. A group can contain multiple topics. Topics are different discussions related to the group's subject. Topics can contain multiple posts. Posts are replies from readers on the topic.

        Support Links

        • Request a Google Group at helpdesk@tamu.edu
        • Google Groups Help Center
        • Texas A&M Sites

          Texas A&M Sites lets you easily create and share web pages, and link them to each other as a website.

          Support Links

          • Google Sites Help Center