The Detective

Just interviewed a number of Rollie's friends and they all mentioned that his family has been driving him nuts lately. Apparently, they all either owe him money or want to worm their way into his business. Sure seems like a lot of people have motives ...

I've got one final email I'd like you to check out. Between you and me, these messages aren't the only things that seem "fishy." Something about this case isn't adding up.

The Missing Link

Message 6

Click the parts of the message you think are suspicious.

You have highlighted
0 items.

Excellent, my dear Watson!

You found all of the telltale signs in this message! Just remember who's in charge here. ;)

Close, but not quite!

You missed at least one of the "clues" this was a fake message. Always pay close attention to the details.

Not so fast!

You didn't find any signs, but this message is a fake! Always pay close attention to the details.

Not so fast!

You didn't find any signs, but this message is a fake! Try again.

Notification Irregular Activity

Bank of America <>to Undisclosed recipients;
10/7/20 10:09 AM
Bank of America