
Vulnerability Scanning

The System and Application Security Team is responsible for managing the Vulnerability Management program at Texas A&M.  This program is proactive in scanning the university network, systems connected to the network, and systems and applications in the TAMU Cloud Services. Discovery and vulnerability scanning of campus systems occurs on a regular basis. Administrators of machines found to be vulnerable in any way will be contacted and the Security Team will work with them to seek a prompt resolution.

Since inception of our current Vulnerability Management Program, we have seen great success in reducing vulnerabilities all across our network. As an example, vulnerabilities in our Public IPs have been reduced by more than 99.7% and are consistently being maintained at extremely low levels.

System custodians and IT personnel can go to the CSI Vulnerability Scanning Program page for additional information on vulnerability scanning. Any further questions concerning this process should be directed to the Security Assessment Team at secassessment@tamu.edu.

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