Texas A&M University

The Facts

Google announced significant changes to its Google Workspace for Education service. Unlimited and free storage is no longer available and Texas A&M University is working to optimize utilization to ensure all students and employees can continue to work efficiently without interruption, with sustainable data storage options.

The Google Storage Sustainability Project team has gathered real-time data related to current usage to forecast the anticipated storage space needed for the university. This, coupled with input from university leadership, advisory groups and other stakeholders, has helped strategically prepare a phased approach as Texas A&M transitions to a new service model.

The Plan

Google Workspace, including Google My Drives and Shared Drives, are heavily used by students, faculty, researchers and staff. Technology Services partnered with faculty, staff, researchers and students to develop a plan that ensures storage policies are aligned with the new storage paradigm with minimal impact to the university.

The plan includes:

  • Purchasing an additional 1 PB of storage to cover shared drive usage.
  • Setting quotas on My Drive to align with Google's new storage model. The quota covers files in My Drive, Google Photos, and Gmail. Quotas for existing accounts are based on current usage plus a significant buffer for growth.
  • Setting Quotas on Shared Drives. New Shared Drives will have a 25GB limit. Quotas for existing Shared Drives are based on current usage plus a significant buffer for growth.
  • Shared Drives must have two “managers” and a data classification on record.
  • Shared Drives will go through an annual verification process to remediate old or unnecessary document storage.
  • Employees and units will be able to purchase additional Shared Drive Storage in 10 TB increments. (Cost is approximately $1,500 / year for 10 TB)

No need to move your data!

All plans were made to minimize disruption in teaching, learning or research and to minimize the need for campus members to move any data from Google.

The Timeline

Winter 2023

Research, planning and campus stakeholder conversations and feedback

March 2024

Finalized recommendations based on stakeholder feedback

April 2024

Communicate final recommendations to stakeholder communities

April 2024

Campus communications begin, google.tamu.edu web site is updated

May 2024

Google My Drive and Shared Drive quotas took effect on May 18, 2024

August 2024

Additional Google licenses and storage purchased

Fall 2024

Google Shared Drive attestation begins. Storage management processes and tools roll out

The Details

My Drive Management

Data in a Google My Drive is tied to the individual and is deleted when they leave the university.

My Drive Quotas

New My Drive accounts: Quotas are not expandable.

  • Undergraduate students and staff receive 25 GB of storage.
  • Graduate students and faculty receive 100 GB of storage.

Existing My Drive accounts: Quotas are not expandable.

  • Undergraduate students and staff will receive a minimum of 25 GB. If their current use is higher, they will be given a quota based on their current use with a significant buffer to accommodate additional growth.
  • Graduate students and faculty will receive a minimum of 100 GB. If their current use is higher, they will be given a quota based on their current use with a significant buffer to accommodate additional growth.
95% of mydrives are 25gb or less

Most (95%) My Drive users will not be impacted by this change because they currently use 25GB or less storage.

What Happens if I Exceed My Quota?

If an account exceeds its quota, no data will be deleted. However, you will be unable to add or edit files until data is removed to bring the storage utilization below the quota. The ability to send and receive email from Texas A&M Gmail accounts will not be impacted even if storage quotas are exceeded.

Shared Drive Management

Data in Shared Drives is tied to the university and is not deleted when someone graduates or leaves the university.

Shared Drive Quotas

  • New Shared Drives will be given a 25 GB quota.
  • Existing Shared Drives will be given a quota based on their current size with a significant buffer to accommodate additional growth.

Shared Drive Management (coming Fall 2024)

  • Shared Drives must have two “managers” and a data classification on record.
  • Shared Drives will go through an annual verification process to remediate old or unnecessary document storage.
  • Employees and units will be able to purchase additional Shared Drive Storage in 10 TB increments. (Cost is approximately $1,500 / year for 10 TB)

Technology Services recognizes the value and importance of these platforms, and uninterrupted access to My Drive, Shared Drives and the other Google and Microsoft apps Texas A&M supplies for collaboration will remain in place. All plans were made to avoid any disruption in teaching, learning or research, and to minimize the need for university members to move any data from Google. Technology Services recognizes the approach must be flexible and is committed to finding the right solution for the university community.

98% of shared drives are 25gb or less

Most Shared Drives will not be impacted by this change, as they currently use 25BG or less storage.