As you progress through the Manage phase of your research project, there are numerous methods and resources available for collecting, analyzing and sharing data.
Sharing data on AWS allows analysis and further exploration of research findings using a wide range of compute and data services, thereby enabling researchers to focus on data analysis rather than data acquisition. The Registry of Open Data features datasets that have been made publicly available through AWS. There is also a Sharing Data on AWS guide available as well as blog posts, key initiatives and recent examples of how fellow researchers are leveraging shared cloud services. In addition, the AWS Public Datasets Program will also cover the costs of storage for publicly available, high-value, cloud-optimized datasets.
A catalog of open data sets specifically for the state of Texas. There are a series of brief videos about interacting with the wide variety of data categories available, including methods for searching, sorting, filtering and aggregating data. For data developers and publishers, the Socrata Open Data API offers robust tools for maintaining data stes. The portal also features an extensive self-service Socrata client support center for browsing knowledge base articles and submitting help requests.
United States Government Data Portal, the primary website of the U.S. Government's open data initiatives, provides data, tools and resources to conduct research, develop software applications and produce data models. It also provides access to many local government and non-federal open data resources. The Federal Enterprise Data Resources website is an online repository of policies, schema standards, tools, best practices and case studies for providing federal data management resources. The detailed guide, How to Get Your Open Data on, explains how you can get your data federated on for improved discoverability and usage.
Registry of Research Data Repositories (Re3data)
Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories for various academic disciplines. The website allows researchers to select appropriate repositories for storing and searching research data. Re3data includes repositories for permanent storage of data sets for researchers, funding agencies, publishers and research institutions.
Part of the Dataverse Project, the Harvard Dataverse is a free data repository open to all researchers from any discipline for sharing, archiving, citing and accessing research data. Data can be made open to the general public or restricted with defined, customizable terms of use. Published data automatically receives a standard data citation with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and metadata is open and accessible through search engines, even when the data are restricted. Publishing in the Dataverse increases the visibility of research, appropriately credits data through citations and complies with data sharing requirements of grant funders and journals.
Pew Research Center makes its full datasets publicly available for secondary analysis after a period of time. Survey datasets are cleaned for easier use and removed of any identifiable information from individual respondents, so lag time may vary by study.
Amazon Web Services collaborates with the NIH STRIDES (Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability) Initiative to assist researchers find and share datasets in biomedical research that are available via AWS resources.
Simple Storage Service guides and help documentation; whitepapers and tutorials; webinars and videos; software development kits (SDKs); and blogs for discovering and learning about AWS S3 Storage.
Elastic Block Store guides and help documentation; whitepapers and slides; sample code and libraries; videos; and blogs for discovering and learning about AWS EBS.
Elastic File System guides and help documentation; whitepapers and case studies; reference architectures and quick starts; webinars and event videos; and blogs for discovering and learning about AWS EFS.
Glacier deep storage overview videos; guides and help documentation; whitepapers and slides; and blogs for discovering and learning about AWS S3 Glacier.
REDCap is a secure web application specifically suited for research studies to build and manage online surveys and databases. It provides a no-cost, flexible and secure method to collect data.