April 15, 2019

Alexa GigabITe

Tech help just got easier with the Amazon Alexa "Aggie Tech Help" skill. Alexa can answer questions about password resets, internet connectivity and other Texas A&M technology issues. As a matter of fact, a student team in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering developed the proof of concept as part of their Capstone senior design course. Good Bull!

To get started, simply tell Alexa to "Enable Aggie Tech Help" or search for the skill manually on your Alexa app.

Now, just say "Alexa, open Aggie Tech Help" and ask any A&M tech-related question. Here are a few examples:
Alexa, what is AggiePrint?
Alexa, what is Help Desk Central (HDC)?
Alexa, where can I buy software?
Alexa, how do I reset my NetID password?

Although Amazon Echo and similar devices do not work with the Texas A&M wireless network (TAMULink), the skill can be used from the mobile application. Aggie Tech Help will work off campus on Amazon devices such as the Echo and Dot.

Don't be shy! Activate the skill and discover the answers to your tech questions today!