Project Purpose

TechHub is a centralized technology procurement program intended to reduce the cost of device life-cycle management and improve the user experience through centralized purchasing, device standardization, supply-chain management, and provide cost savings in the processing and deployment of hardware and software assets. This new program will provide Texas A&M University faculty, staff, and departments with a convenient process to procure high-quality, fully tested and vetted technology that will be configured and secured to university standards.

Guiding Principles

  • Driving down direct costs of technology purchases and passing those savings to departments and units.
  • Supporting shared decision-making with the IT Community to provide the right technology solutions that meet user needs.
  • Remaining at the forefront to identify and evaluate emerging technologies to keep the campus on the cutting edge.
  • Streamlining processes and workflows to fit all IT Community needs.
  • Prioritizing value and the user experience.


Laying the Foundation: Spring & Summer 2023 (Complete)

  • Evaluate and test E-commerce platforms
  • Focus groups and stakeholder outreach
  • Build TechHub Operations Center
  • Hire and onboard TechHub team
  • Build and test online store front

Phase 1: Fall 2023 (Complete)

  • Establish TechHub Advisory Group
  • Finalize integrated billing process
  • Online Ordering (hardware only)
  • Develop standard workflow and SOPs
  • Pilot Test Ordering Processes
  • Early Adopter Onboarding

Phase 2: Spring & Summer 2024 (Complete)

  • Develop plan and onboard colleges and units
  • Solicit Customer Feedback and Prioritize Improvements
  • Formalize hardware catalog
  • Build out on-hand inventory
  • Integrate systems to process large volume orders
  • Custom order processing
  • Implement Product Selection/Vetting Process
  • Build PowerBI reports/analytics Dashboard

Phase 3: Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 (In-Progress)

  • Full implementation of end-point procurement for all colleges and units
  • Establish consistent university-wide standards and limit unique configurations
  • Design and build new website template
  • Build Physical Storefront
  • Add departmental software
  • Continue to receive feedback and improve website, reporting, data analytics, and processes
  • Onboard other TAMU System Members
  • Future opportunities TBD

University Savings

hardware dollar save icon

Hardware dollars saved to date
