Phase 1
- Obtain unit information resource inventory list and ensure it is up-to-date.
- Obtain information resource inventory list from Canopy/FAMIS.
- Reconcile the two lists.
- Coordinate groupings of information resources.
- Work with IT staff to assign appropriate assessor and reviewer roles for each grouping.
- Have college/division personnel attend appropriate role-based training (as needed):
- New assessors - new assessor training (required)
- Returning assessors - refresher training (optional)
- Non-IT professionals – staff/faculty specific training (optional)
- Secure approval from the dean/VP (or designee) for non-IT professionals accounts to be created.
Phase 2
- Create assessments.
- Ensure all assessors have resources to complete assessment(s).
- Ensure all non-IT professional have resources to complete the survey(s).
- Be prepared to answer questions from assessors and non-IT professionals.
Phase 3
- Assist dean/VP with the Dean/VP Approval Process.