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Technology Services Risk Management and Policy Team is responsible for the university IT risk assessment process. An official email will come from Please send messages related to IT risk assessment processes to
Office Hours
Office hours are set aside to discuss anything related to the IT risk assessment process. Priority goes to those who make appointments; otherwise it is a first come, first served basis.
Every Thursday (spring and fall semesters)
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Teague Building, Room 102
Division Risk Assessment Coordinators (D-RACs) will be notified if office hours are canceled for that week.
Onsite Meetings
Our team is available to meet with college and division IT staff about IT risk assessment processes throughout the week if the schedule allows. The college or division D-RAC(s) should schedule date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting using
IT Risk Management Training
Technology Services provides guidance on requirements, tools, and procedures to Division Risk Assessment Coordinators (D-RACs), but it is the responsibility for each college and division to designate appropriate personnel for the completion of the IT risk assessments. D-RACs should work with IT staff in each department of their college or division to determine who needs to be an assessor. D-RACs will be informed of assessor training opportunities (e.g. onsite, scheduled class sessions) and should pass along information to their designated assessors.
Onsite Training Sessions
The D-RAC will coordinate with Technology Services to set up the onsite training session.
- Class size: minimum of five. Maximum determined by the D-RAC and location size.
- Location: determined by the D-RAC. Usually done at the unit’s location.
- Audience: up to the unit that initiates the training
- How to sign up: determined by the D-RAC
- Workstation provided: No, individuals will need to bring their own laptop or other portable device that has internet access