Open Access Labs (OAL) manages three (3) full-service computer labs and many other supported locations around campus. Additionally, Texas A&M students and faculty have an Open Access Labs (OAL) account that provides them with drive storage space, a profile, printing, access to hundreds of software applications, use of Aggie Virtual Desktop (AVD), and the ability to create and maintain a personal webpage (

Equipment Locations

OAL workstations and printers are available in our three (3) staffed labs and located all over campus. The plotter is located in the Student Computing Center (SCC). For more information regarding workstation locations see Open Access Lab (OAL) Computer Workstation Locations or for printer locations see Open Access Lab (OAL) Printer Locations & Types.

OAL Classroom Reservations

There are seven Open Access Labs (OAL) classrooms located across campus. Each classroom is equipped with computers, a video projector, a video & document cameras and an instructor's terminal. The OAL classrooms' primary purpose is to provide support for student computing instruction. Reservation requests for other university uses will be granted on a case-by-case basis. For more information on reserving an OAL classroom please visit Reserving a Classroom in the Open Access Labs (OAL).

Account Details

Texas A&M students and faculty have an Open Access Labs (OAL) account that provides them with drive storage space, the ability to publish a personal web page, and access to printing software, the Aggie Virtual Desktop (AVD), lab hardware and video workstations. Texas A&M staff members have a basic OAL account that includes access to computers, software and hardware in the labs, and access to the AWD. Additional services, including printing, drive space and personal web pages are determined by each department.

To see your account details, visit Manage my OAL Account.

** To access the Manage my OAL Account you must be on campus or, from off campus, use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) or the Aggie Virtual Desktop (AVD). **

To learn more about each of the components that make up your account, see Open Access Labs - Account Details.

OAL Staffed Labs

Student Computing Center (SCC)

Building: Student Computing Center
Lab Phone Number: 979.845.8306
Location: 400 Spence St

SCC outdoor front SCC indoor aerial


Building: J. R. Blocker (0524)
Lab Phone Number: 979.845.8576
Location: 155 Ireland St

Blocker hallway Blocker front desk