
As a student, faculty or staff member (with a Home H: Drive) you are authorized to create and use a Personal Webpage. Traditionally, people.tamu.edu is utilized for this purpose and is provided by the Open Access Labs, but other options, such as Google Sites, are available to you if storage and collaboration are your primary goals for your webpage. Learn more about Google Sites.

Users authorized for web creation using people.tamu.edu are allowed to use their five gigabytes (5 GB) of home drive disk storage space to store and share personal and academic files on their personal web page.

**The information on your Home (H:) drive (for file storage) and Website Directory (U:) drive (for web content storage) share the same five gigabytes (5) GB of allocated space.

Your web address will be http://people.tamu.edu/~NetID/

For information regarding how to get started please visit IT Self-Service Knowledge Base.