
For questions or help with this service, please email globus-request@tamu.edu or book an appointment with our team.

Globus is a file transfer service designed for sharing data between data repositories, or endpoints. Endpoints are data storage systems with Globus software installed. Endpoints can be a laptop or desktop computer, a cloud service such as Texas A&M’s Microsoft 365 OneDrive and SharePoint, Google Drive, Amazon S3, or even high performance computing clusters and scientific instruments. 

Unlike services such as Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive, Globus does not store data. It only facilitates the transfer of data from one endpoint to another in as efficient a manner as possible using an easy to use web interface.

Texas A&M has a High Assurance Globus subscription that provides additional benefits to members: 

  • End-to-end encryption during data transfers
  • Ability to schedule automatic and recurring data transfers
  • Ability to share data/folders with other authenticated Globus users at other institutions

See a list of all subscription features in the Knowledge Base. 

Getting Started

To join the Texas A&M Globus subscription, follow the instructions in the Knowledge Base

 Anyone with a Texas A&M NetID and password may access Globus by visiting auth.globus.org, selecting Texas A&M and entering their NetID and password.

Once logged in, you will need to enable the Texas A&M subscription on your account.

Joining the TAMU Globus subscription provides many benefits that are not available to free Globus subscriptions such as: 

  • End to end encryption during data transfers
  • Ability to schedule automatic/recurring data transfers
  • Audit logging
  • Access to the Globus API for portal and automation
  • Session/Device Isolation
  • Use of Business Associate Agreement between TAMU and Globus


To add an endpoint to the Texas A&M subscription, please contact Texas A&M Technology Services at: globus-request@tamu.edu, and provide the Globally Unique ID (GUID) of your endpoint.

If you have questions about joining or adding an endpoint to the Texas A&M Globus subscription, please schedule an appointment.

Book an appointment.


University data residing on Globus Endpoints is subject to the University's policies concerning Data Classification, and endpoint owners are expected to be aware of and abide by the Rules and Responsibilities for data management as defined in the Texas A&M University IT Policy Controls Catalog

Globus Terms of Use

Texas A&M University data is not owned by a single individual, but is a university asset that is owned by the institution and entrusted to appropriate individuals for their care. Understanding these roles and their relationship to the data they oversee is critical for ensuring good governance of university data. This is true of all types of university data, including research data, unless there is a legally binding agreement in place with different terms (ref. SAP 15.99.03.M1.03). 

In using this tool you are in compliance with Texas A&M’s Terms of Use Policy regarding data sharing and distribution and are hereby responsible for your role in maintaining data sharing restrictions.

Globus Connect Software is considered an TAMU Information Resource (see System Policy 29.01 and its authorized use governed by Standard Administrative Procedure (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.02. Authorized use is defined as the accomplishment of tasks related to the university mission and may not be used for commercial or illegal activities.


  • Transfer Files - Globus provides a secure, unified interface for your research data. You can use Globus to transfer high-performance data between systems within and across campus.
  • Connect and Build Endpoints - An "endpoint" is one of the two file transfer locations – either the source or the destination – between which files can move.
  • Globus + OneDrive/Sharepoint - Tap into more storage for research by plugging into Microsoft OneDrive and/or Sharepoint to the established storage ecosystem and workflows you and your team already use.
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