
Windows and Linux web hosting options are available, including shared, dedicated or supported services. Web hosting service provides reliable, secure and cost-effective solutions to web publishing. Our web servers allow a department or organization to focus on your work without the expense or hassle of supporting an in-house server. Choose either shared hosting or a dedicated server to best suit your needs.

Our servers are located in the campus data centers, which provide around-the-clock monitoring 365 days a year, a physically secure environment and backup power:

  • Shared - your site is placed on one of our servers, which is shared by multiple users.
  • Dedicated - your site is placed on one of our servers, which is dedicated for your use.
  • Supported - your site is placed on your own server, which we manage for you.

Web hosting is priced according to the type of service provided. Web mastering services can be provided with any web hosting option, or you may assume responsibility for your own web mastering.
Our server configuration consists of the following:

  • Windows or Linux operating system
  • Apache
  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Additional options available include:
    • SSL certificates
    • Secure database connections

Contact Information



Texas A&M University (Part 02) rates are displayed below. See General Computing Rates for TAMUS, Non-TAMUS, and Auxiliary Rates.

Service Description Unit Rate in $ Item Code/ Product/Service
Website Hosting Annual Cost - Shared Server Year 132.00 WEBSITE HOST ANNUAL
Support Equivalent to 1 Full Time Employee 1 FTE/Month 10,599.00 CONTRACT SUP 1 FTE
Support Equivalent to 3/4 Time Employee .75 FTE/Month 8,180.00 CONTRACT SUP .75 FTE
Support Equivalent to 1/2 Time Employee .50 FTE/Month 5,510.00 CONTRACT SUP .50 FTE
Support Equivalent to 1/4 Time Employee .25 FTE/Month 2,785.00 CONTRACT SUP .25 FTE
Technical services on computer-related issues Hour 135.00 BSPS HOURLY SUPPORT


To request this service, email bsps@tamu.edu or call 979.845.8300.

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