
A well-maintained IT infrastructure is critical for an organization's performance.

  • A server that is not set up or maintained correctly can run slower and its performance becomes degraded.
  • Security holes and vulnerabilities may be introduced if servers are not configured properly.
  • If permissions to access files, folders and directories are not set up correctly, data may be viewable by unauthorized personnel.

We specialize in maintaining file, mail, application and web servers, performing server upgrades and routine maintenance to minimize downtime. We also provide the following services:

  • Procure and properly apply service packs.
  • Monitor services to increase performance.
  • Install hardware and software upgrades.
  • Apply security patches and verify successful implementation.
  • Perform network migrations.
  • Install and monitor antivirus software.

Help and Support

For additional information or questions, contact admin-request@tamu.edu.

Contact Information


Texas A&M University (Part 02) rates are displayed below. See General Computing Rates for TAMUS, Non-TAMUS, and Auxiliary Rates.

Service Description Unit Rate in $ Item Code/ Product/Service
Server administrations - Provides operating system software, installation, monitoring and updates Year 1,200.00 SERVER ADMINISTRATION
Server administration - Monthly Month 125.00 SERVER ADMIN / MONTH
Technical services on computer-related concerns Hour 135.00 BSPS HOURLY SUPPORT

We can provide flexible support based on your needs. For more on contract, non-contract, project based and ad-hoc support options, visit Support Options and Pricing.

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