
The Texas A&M IT Asset Management System is powered by Axonius. Axonius is a cybersecurity asset management platform that aggregates data from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive view of the university's IT assets, improving our cybersecurity posture and enhancing business intelligence

Getting Started

The IT Asset Management System is available to any full-time Technology Services employee at A&M. The service is authenticated with your Texas A&M NetID and password.

Contact Information


To request access to the system, email it-assets@tamu.edu with your NetID and what unit you primarily work for. If you and/or your unit are new to Axonius, we will schedule a kick-off and orientation meeting to introduce you to the tool.

Most IT Professionals will be given Standard User accounts, although a few individuals in each unit will be Power Users with increased responsibility, accountability and access to the system. Both types of accounts can view IT asset dashboards and data as well as view and run queries. Power Users can also create dashboards, queries, and reports.

Service Details

Texas A&M’s IT Asset Management System is run by Axonius. Axonius ingests asset data from multiple sources, consolidating the sources down into one concise location. Axonius does not rely on an installed workstation client — it talks directly to each console, going directly to the source.

Examples of configured data source types:

  • Summary Data: Active Directory (AD), Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Administration Data: AD, Device Management consoles, Patching solutions
  • Network Data: DNS, Network Detection/Response (NDR), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Security Data: Antivirus, Privilege Management, Vulnerability Scanning


What is Axonius?
What kind of device data is available in the system?
How do I find "my" devices?
What if the data I'm looking for does not exist in the system?
Can Axonius make changes to my systems?
How do I make a query?
What field names should be used when making a query?

What is Axonius?

Axonius is the software product that runs our IT Asset Management system. 

What kind of device data is available in the system?

Any data that a connected system is aware of about a device is shown within the system. For example, if your device exists within Active Directory and we have a connection to that AD, then any data AD has about the device will be ingested into the system.

How do I find "my" devices?

As groups are onboarded into the system, "base" queries that identify and define specific groups of devices are created. For example, the query Base - Technology Services identifies devices specifically belonging to Technology Services, whereas Base - School of Education shows devices belonging to the School of Education. These base queries act as building blocks for more advanced queries, like finding devices that belong to a certain group and are missing specific software, but have security updates installed. If you believe that the Base query for your area is not accurate, please email it-assets@tamu.edu so that we can correct the underlying logic to your Base query.

What if the data I'm looking for does not exist in the system?

If the data you’re looking for is missing or there are gaps in the data about devices and assets that you control, please email it-assets@tamu.edu. We will be happy to meet with you to discuss how to close the gap or add a data source from your unit.

Can Axonius make changes to my systems?

No. Axonius can not make changes to systems, devices, or assets. When setting up connection to systems, we use read-only accounts and ensure permissions are set so that changes cannot be made.

How do I make a query?

A query can be created by utilizing the Query Wizard on the Devices page and then saving the query.

What field names should be used when making a query?

This will vary depending on your goal. We recommend using the Query Wizard with "Aggregated" (Axonius logo) selected as the source and then searching or scrolling through to select from the fields available. Aggregated fields are standard fields (i.e. Host Name, Open Ports, OS Type, Installed Software, Domain, Device Model, etc.) that are universal across many sources of data. Once you are comfortable with the available "Aggregated" fields, you can explore fields from individual sources (i.e. SCCM: Client installed or Crowdstrike: Policies) by changing the "Aggregated" dropdown to the corresponding logo.


The Axonius online training videos are a helpful resource and starting point as you begin to use the tool. Additionally, we are happy to meet with any group that would like specific training on how to use the IT Asset Management system. Please email it-assets@tamu.edu with any questions.

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