

Technology Services provides demographic, role and contact data to Texas A&M service providers to support identity management, provisioning, authentication and authorization. 

Getting Started

Campus service providers sometimes require identity data for users of their service. A service provider can request this data using instructions provided in the Request section below.

The Texas A&M Identity Security office does not support public data requests. All public information requests should be sent to the Texas A&M University Office of Open Records.

Help and Support

If you have any questions about the identity data or the request process, send an email to identity@tamu.edu

Contact Information


To receive access to identity data, the use of data must comply with the following:

  • Data is related to an application or service-specific need for information about students, faculty or staff
  • Data use is only for official Texas A&M University administrative or academic purposes
  • Data use is consistent with the Texas A&M Acceptable Use Policy and the Privacy Policy

Information about submitting a data request is also available on the IT Security & Risk documentation site.

Submitting the Request

Use the service links to access the online form.

Processing the Request

Upon receipt, Texas A&M Technology Services personnel will notify the submitter that the request has been received and review the request. If FERPA-protected or private information is being requested, the form will be forwarded to the appropriate data custodians for approval.

Processing of the request can take two to four weeks.

If you have any questions about the identity data or the request process, send an email to identity@tamu.edu.

Request This Service

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