
Disaster can strike a single PC or a network server that services multiple users or a building where computing machinery is housed. However it may happen, a computer system can be destroyed or computer system crippled, jeopardizing critical information or disabling a crucial application.

Assistance is offered in developing a business continuity and disaster recovery plan that meets state and university information security standards. This plan is a blueprint to reassemble a needed system from scratch. It explains what hardware is needed, the software and data that are required, necessary personnel resources and the procedures that would have to be performed to quickly restore the system to a functioning state.

A comprehensive disaster recovery plan should be created for each server or computer system even if backups are performed regularly. Backups do not replace the need for a disaster recovery plan because even good backup systems may fail. Even though the risk of a disaster may seem highly unlikely, the consequences of not being able to quickly restore a system after a disaster can be grave. A disaster recovery plan could make the difference between being able to recover quickly or not being able to recover at all. Important data should not be allowed to be jeopardized when steps could have been taken to prevent catastrophic effects.

Contact Information



Texas A&M University (Part 02) rates are displayed below. See General Computing Rates for TAMUS, Non-TAMUS, and Auxiliary Rates.

Service Description Unit Rate in $ Item Code/ Product/Service
Support Equivalent to 1 Full Time Employee 1 FTE/Month 10,599.00 CONTRACT SUP 1 FTE
Support Equivalent to 3/4 Time Employee .75 FTE/Month 8,180.00 CONTRACT SUP .75 FTE
Support Equivalent to 1/2 Time Employee .50 FTE/Month  5,510.00 CONTRACT SUP .50 FTE
Support Equivalent to 1/4 Time Employee .25 FTE/Month  2,785.00 CONTRACT SUP .25 FTE
Technical services on computer-related issues Hour 135.00 ITSS HOURLY SUPPORT

Additional Details

We can provide flexible support based on your needs. For more on contract, non-contract, project-based and ad-hoc support options, visit Support Options and Pricing.

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